Hi! I am Caroline Young - owner of Whole Self Nutrition.
I love the word whole. It’s how I aim to live my life and help my clients, readers and students live theirs. I strongly believe in tending to all aspects of ourselves — mind, body and spirit — the whole self. Physical health is just one aspect of our overall well-being. It’s important, but not more important than our emotional, mental and spiritual health. Clients come to me struggling with eating disorders and disordered eating or with a desire to learn how to develop healthy relationships to food, body and movement. I counsel clients, write articles, present webinars and teach online yoga classes, all with the same intention: to help people find freedom, peace and empowerment around food and in their bodies.
Previously, I worked as the Intensive Outpatient (IOP) dietitian at an adolescent eating disorder treatment center, where I also led weekly family meal & nutrition groups. Earlier, I worked as a dietitian in an inpatient setting on a women’s trauma unit of a mental health hospital and in an outpatient setting of a substance-abuse facility — also working with their eating disorder populations. I have also co-led three women’s yoga & wellness retreats and led outpatient eating disorder recovery groups.
Over the last 10 years, I have had the great pleasure of teaching yoga in a variety of settings, including traditional studios, addiction recovery centers, beachfronts, & mountain retreats.
My Journey
My first career in 2011 was print journalism - I worked as a general assignment newspaper reporter in Atlanta, and also began writing about nutrition and health-related content on a freelance basis. Reporting the truth, especially about nutrition, eating disorders, and making peace with food and body (all of which are largely misunderstood), is incredibly important to me — so much so that I went back to get my master's in nutrition.
After becoming a dietitian in 2016, I worked for an amazing brand and learned how to merge my communications training with my nutrition expertise. Now, I love working with the media and like-minded brands to help even more people develop the healthiest relationships with food and body possible.

The driving force behind my passion is my own past struggles with food and exercise.
I have a deep desire to help others heal their relationship to food and their bodies, as I learned to heal my own. I spent years of my life, off and on, relying on some form of disordered eating or exercise behavior to cope with hard life situations and feelings I couldn’t manage healthfully at the time. I had to be uncomfortably and brutally honest with myself in order to receive deep healing (and professional help), and to reconnect with myself and my body in a peaceful, freeing way. This work enabled me to continue my life’s journey as the woman I was truly born to be. While my healing process was one of the most challenging parts of my life, it is 100% worth the freedom I experience today. I promise you, lasting recovery from disordered eating and eating disorders is possible.
Every aspect of my career aims to help people better understand the powerful link between nutrition and their physical, mental, and emotional health. More than anything, I hope to empower people to be at ease in their skin, feel at ease around food, and live whole, vibrant lives.

BA - Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Journalism)
MS – Master of Science in Nutrition
RD – Registered Dietitian
LD – Licensed Dietitian
RYT - Registered Yoga Teacher
I have completed the below training:
→ 2011-2017 200-hour Hatha Yoga teacher training, plus specialty trainings in yin, restorative & gentle yoga,
and yoga philosophy
(Discovery Yoga Center & Asheville Yoga Center)
→ 2014-2016 1,200 hours of supervised dietetics practice in various settings
(Georgia State University)
→ 2018 Attuned Eating Mastery Training for Non-Diet Professionals
(with Tracy Brown)
→ 2018 Mindfulness-Based Yoga Therapy Training in Eating Disorders
(with Beverly Price)
→ 2021 Body Image Training for Clinicians: The Missing Piece of Whole Body Healing
(with Marci Evans & Fiona Sutherland)
→ 2022 Trauma-Informed Dietetic Care: A Nervous System-Informed Course for Nutrition Professionals
(with Tracy Brown & Fiona Sutherland)
→ 2022 Yoga for Eating Disorders Mentoring Group
(with Jennifer Kreatsoulas)
→ 2023 Master the Media Coaching Program
(with Amy Gorin)
→ Ongoing: Regular Clinical Nutrition Counseling Supervision
(with Tracy Brown)